This course offers the candidates an opportunity to become cardiac technicians. These technicians have a challenging responsibility of having the knowledge and skill to handle various complex diagnostic and therapeutic equipments and tools involved in the management of cardiovascular disorders, specially including the equipments in cath lab, and also their regular maintenance. The focus in this course will be on imparting knowledge of the scientific principles on which the tests and equipments function, as well as to have hands-on skill in using these equipments correctly and safely. These technicians are also expected to have adequate knowledge of structure and function of the human body, especially the cardiovascular system. Optimal delivery of cardiovascular health care is based on the safe use of the equipments and devices. This necessitates development of a cadre consisting of science graduates, who obtain focused, relevant knowledge in this specific area of cardiovascular technology through theory classes and supervised practical hands on training.
- OPD Rooms.
- ECG(Electro Cardiogram) Rooms.
- Echo Cardiography room.
- TMT (Treadmill stress test)Room.
- Holter Room.
- Central Cath Lab
- Store Room
High End Equipments:
- Two well equipped cath lab.
- Electro Physiology machine
- TMT Machine
- 3D Electro Cardiography machine
- ECG Machine
- Holter Machine
- Ambulatory ECG
- Services in all week days.
- 24X7 Services in OPD & IPD
- CCU, ECG, ECHO, Cath -lab, TMT and Holter Lab
- 3D Electro Cardiography machine
Non Invasive Cardiology Services:
- Echocardiography LA (2D & 3D ECHO, Transesophageal echocardiogram,Stress ECHO.
- Holter Lab
- ECG Lab
Invasive Cardiology Services:
Interventional Procedures
Diagnostic :
- CAG - Coronaory angiogram
- Coronary angioplasty
- Permanent pacemaker( PPI)
- Intra vascular ultrasound
- Fractional Flow reserve
- Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy
- Cerebral angiogram
- Renal Angiogram
- Aortogram
- Peripheral Angiogram
- Peripheral Plasty
- RHS(Right Heart Catheterization)
- Venogram
- Cath Study
- LV Angiogram(LeftVentricle)
Therapeutic Procedures:
- Angioplasty
- PTCA(Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty)
- BMV(Baloon Mitral Valvotomy)
- ASD Closure
- TPI (Temporary Pacemaker insertion )
- Renal Angioplasty
- CRT(Cardiac Resynchronization Thearapy)
- PDA Closure(Patent ductus Arteriosus)
- POBA(Percutaneous Old balloon Angioplasty
- PTRA (Percutaneous Trans luminal Renal Angioplasty)
- AICD (Automated Implantable Cardioverter Defibrilltor)
- Embolisation
- Pericardial Tapping
IP Services: